Hello again, bookish friends! Hope you all had an amazing reading week. Martha is back this podcast, and she’s checking the house to make sure we didn’t have a raging kegger in her absence.
As usual, we had some pretty interesting conversations on the podcast. I think we all learned a little something in this one. For example, did you know that to get your perfect lipstick shade, you should color match it to your nipples? Yeah, I’m not afraid to admit that I looked fdown my shirt to figure out what color that actually was when I heard that. You can see for yourself how well that works in this article:
Your nipples and your lipstick
We talked about Paul Hollywood a lot too. Martha has added him to her laminated list (have you seen that Friends episode?). In case you don’t know who we are talking about here is a picture of Martha’s smoldering new list addition:
We talked about crayon color shades today along with lipstick color shades. Did you know there is a color called ‘beaver’? We always thought that color was subjective, but whatever 😉 Here is the shade in question:
Speaking of lipstick shades again, here is the color that Keathe has always liked but never bought because of the name:
I know you’re shocked, but we also talked about books! 😉
Vonnie’s book
Keathe’s book
Magen’s book
Martha’s book
That’s it for this week, bookish friends! Next week starts Horror Month!!! It’s always a crowd pleaser, so be sure to check in! Have a great book week!