Podcast Notes – Episode 247

Hello bookish friends! Hope everyone is having a great week. This week we learned all about what a sod poodle is. Is Keathe the only person who had no idea that another word for a prairie dog is sod poodle?!? Anyway, here is the mascot that we were talking about:

We were talking about all the different places that we bring books to. Martha went to her only major league baseball game and brought a book. Keathe brings a book to her kids band concerts. Where is the weirdest place you’ve taken a book? Let us know in the comments!

Vonnie found the world’s greatest odor beads. They even worked on the smell of a decomposing corpse in someone’s crawlspace?!?!? If you’ve been involved in some questionable activities and need to get rid of the smell, check these out:

We are still making up our laminated cards with our five guys that are our ‘freebies’ (have you seen that Friends episode?) Who would be on your card? We’ve been talking about it on our facebook group: The 3 Book Girls Tribe. Have you joined it yet? Join us here:

The Tribe

We reviewed books too 😉 Here is what we reviewed this week!

Vonnie’s book

Keathe’s book

Rachael’s book

Martha’s book

Honestly, I’m still freaking out thinking about Martha’s book. *shiver* Hope you guys have an amazing week and have a great book week, bookish friends!

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