Podcast Notes – Episode 254

Hello bookish friends, and welcome to another great week of reading, and the inappropriate conversations that make us who we are!

We had Jaime Shetrone on the podcast this week! She is a longtime member of the 3 Book Girls Tribe (have you joined us yet, you can do so here: 3 Book Girls Tribe) and she has been our latest list keeper on the Friday night Zoom chat which we link to every week from the 3 Book Girls Tribe facebook page. It was Jaime’s first time on our podcast, so hopefully we didn’t scare her too much…

We discusses some pretty bad smelling things, including the decomposing turtle smell (the scale on which Keathe bases all bad smells now). Here is a picture of Ziggy the turtle (warning, he was super cute!)

Vonnie says that to get rid of all nasty smells, we really need to purchase these:

We aren’t sure exactly what she has in her closet (dead turtles?) but this will get rid of that smell.

Oh, and if you can’t quite picture the incredibly strange Bigfoot slide that we were all talking about this week, here is a picture of the sheer insanity of it all:

I don’t have words for that, so we’ll move along…

to another strange picture of stuff we talked about. Have you ever seen a Proboscus Monkey? I hadn’t, but now I know just a little bit more than I’ve ever wanted to about nature:

And no, Martha’s nose doesn’t really look like that. (Thank goodness!)

What do you know? We talked a little about books too:

Vonnie’s book

Keathe’s book

Jaime’s book

Martha’s book

Martha’s book has already been optioned for a movie starring Amy Adams!

If you want to buy Vonnie’s laser hair remover and tell us if it works (since Vonnie still hasn’t tried hers) you can get it by clicking here:

and for those of you dying to know, this is what a rooster penis cozy looks like:

Look out for that beak!!!!!!

For everyone who wants to know where Martha got those awesome masks she posted oin Facebook, you can purchase them here:

And that is going to do it for this week, fellow bookish friends. Hope you have an amazing week of reading ahead!

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