Podcast Notes – Episode 259

Hi there, bookish friends! We have so much awesome stuff going on this week. Firstly, we have our friend and Tribe member, Morgan, here this week while Keathe and Magen are off. She has been around since the Tribe began! Speaking of, are you a member of our Facebook Tribe page yet? You really need to join us there for all sorts of bookish conversations and general merriment! You can find us here: Facebook Tribe Page. Also, our beloved true crime goddess is back on the podcast after a brief hiatus. She wasn’t gone long, but we sure missed all her amazing and creepy books! (and I mean creepy in the best way possible).

For all of you who may not remember, a sod poodle is otherwise known as a prairie dog. Here are what Rachael’s ferocious little sod poodles look like:

Man on man, did those ladies mention a lot of fun throwback items that we love on the podcast! Where to start?! How about with the beloved oldie but goodie, the shewee:

Here is a look at the tub and shower ‘shroom that can fix all your plumbing woes:

Looking for some of that delicious barbeque run that Martha’s neighbor makes? Find it here:

And of course we want to give some more love to Plum Deluxe Tea, because they rock our world! You can find their tea shop here: Plum Deluxe Tea and you can also find a variety of their blends on Amazon. (This is Keathe’s favorite, but there are tons to choose from!)

We also managed to talk books 😉

Vonnie’s book

Rachael’s book

Morgan’s book

Martha’s book

That’s it for this week, bookish friends, but hope you guys all have an amazing reading week!

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