Podcast Notes – Epsiode 246

Hello bookish friends! This week we were all about the great change of life. Join us in sharing menopause and peri-menopause woes! We talk about it all – the hot flashes, the side eye you get when trying to get your estrogen refilled, and our plans to go to Mexico for it. For those wishing to hear it, here is the menopause version of Bohemian Rhapsody:

We also talked about the perils of shopping for clothing online. Man did we have a lot to vent about! Keathe did find an elusive body scanner once upon a time that could find you the perfect pair of jeans. You can see the weird machine here:

jean scanner thingy

Somebody in Pennsylvania won $500 million in the lottery. It wasn’t Keathe, but she doesnt want to win millions anyway (her ultimate dream would to be win just enough to pay off the mortgage). The other girls want all the money the lottery will give them. Where are you ladies in the debate? How much would be your ultimate dream to win? Let us know in the comments!

We talked books too 😉

Vonnie’s book

Keathe’s book

Rachael’s book


Martha’s book

Hope you guys have an amazing week, bookish friends!

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